August 2020 Updates

The ball is rolling on the new record.

While there are a few decisions I have to make with regards to which songs I am going to include on the album, things are moving along.

I sincerely hope to go into the studio for October, pending finding an engineer to help me with it. Fingers and toes crossed that I get it all funded, done and delivered by Dec! Want to:

  1. Help me make this record happen

  2. Be the first to hear it and a get a digi download when it’s done?

  3. Meet like-minded folk in my Discord?

THEN: Please check out my Patreon. It starts at $1, and there are some great perks. Please check it out here: Patreon Page

I am surprised with the direction of some of the songs, in that it leaning much heavier than I anticipated. That is great! Don’t question the muses. Whatever they want, they get. I deserve the right to edit it, though :D

Acting stuff is slowly coming back. I am worried about the future of it, truthfully speaking: 2020 has been an intensely frustrating year for so many people out there. I hope all of us slowly crawl out of this. Times are tough.

I am still streaming on Twitch 3x/week MWF 6:30 EST - it is a great opportunity for us to chat (last Friday we did a full guitar gear chat which was great!), play some games, etc. It really is a fine time. Please come on out.

That’s all I have for today. I hope to see you soon.

xx FB