New Commercial & Updates

Excited to finally share a new commercial that I did, to add to the family of ones I have done for this product line! Check it out on the Commercials page :)

As for updates, I will be filming a small part in a movie next week which is exciting. I am always grateful for the chance to do such fun work with other artists. I feel privileged to do so.

I am working on music here and there, as I am also preparing for grants to help pay for the next Amphibious Assault album. I have lots of ideas for it and I am super excited to fully dive into that process.

I am also currently working on getting Simulacrima on vinyl, but it has been very difficult to get a presser due to them all being very busy right now. I really hope I can find somebody soon.

That’s it for updates, please take care out there and stay healthy!


Fallon Bowman